ultimo aggiornamento 10 settembre 2008

Segue un elenco parziale dei comandi del linguaggio BASIC, non tutti sono perņ disponibili per il modello entry-level CB220.

Sommario dei comandi




Variable type 

Byte ... 8 bit positive number, 0~255
Integer ...16 bit positive number, 0~65535.
Long ... 32 bit positive / Negative number, -2147483648~2147483647.
Single ... 32 bit floating number, -3.402823E+38 ~ 3.402823E + 38.
String ... String, 0 to 127 bytes.

Analog I/O 

ADIN  ... Convert analog signal into digital value.
EADIN ... More precise AD input using OpAmp.
PWM ... Output  PWM to then specified pin. It's free running PWM. (Use as DAC)

Digital I/O 

High  ... Set pin to output and high.
Low ... Set pin to output and low
Out ... Set pin to outtput and Set high or low
Input ... Make pin to input
Output ... Make pin to output
Bytein ... Read 8 I/Os simultaneoulsy and store in variable
Byteout ... Write 8 I/Os simultaneoulsy.
Count ... Count Pulses. CUBLOC counter is H/W counter.


Gosub, Return  ... Jump to Sub routine and return.
Goto ... Jump to label.
If..then..else..Endif  ...  Conditional branches.
Select ... Conditional branches.


Do, Loop  ... A Do,Loop with optional conditional statement.
For, Next ... A For,Loop with step + or -

EEPROM access 

Eeread  ... Read from internal EEPROM.
EEwrite ... Write to internal EEPROM.

I2C communications 

I2Cstart  ... Send Start condition.
I2Cstop ... Send Stop condition.
I2Cread ... Read I2C data.
I2Cwrite ... Write I2C data.

Buffered RS232 communcations 

Opencom ... open RS232 port.
Bclr  ... Clear RS232 buffers.
Bfree ... Check RS232 buffer free size.
Blen ... Check length of data in input buffer.
Get ... Get data with a specified length.
Getstr ... Get data as a string.
Geta ... Get data and store in array.
Put .. output data with a specified length.
Putstr ... output data as a string.
Puta ... output data as a array.


On int  ... Jump when external I/O pin interrupts occurs.
On recv ... Jump when RS232 data received.
On timer ... Jump when timer interrupts occurs.
On Ladderint ... Jump when LADDER interrupts occurs.
On Pad ... Jump when PAD daa received. (Touch Pad)
Set Onglobal ... Set all interrupts On/Off.

Sound / Pulse Output 

Beep  ... Output beep sound.
Freqout ... Output desired frequency to specified pin.
Pulsout ... Output a pulse to specified pin.


Sin, Cos, Tan  ... Basic sine, cosine, tangent.
Log ... Log function.
Bcd2Bin ... Convert BCD to binary value.
Bin2BCD ... Convert binary value to BCD code.
Rnd ... get a random number.

String functions

Left, Right, Mid  ... Cut specified places of string
Len ... Return the length of String.
Ltrim, Rtrim ... Cut all Blank spaces on the Left / Right side.
Val, Valsng ... Return a converted numerical value of the string.
Asc ... Return the converted ASCII code.
Chr ... Return the ASCII code of charactor.


Debug  ... Output to debug screen on PC. Watch variable value.
Keyin ... Get key input after debouncing.
Keypad ... Get keypad input.
Delay / Pause ... Delay for specified milliseconds.
uDelay ... Delay for specified microseconds.

CUTOUCH menu system 

Menuset  ... set menu button x,y position and style.
Menutitle ... set menu title.
MenuCheck ... Check touch screen if menu button was pressed.
MenuReverse ... Inverse menu button.

Graphic command for CUTOUCH, GHLCD 

Cls, Locate,  Print,  Layer,  Overlay,  Contrast,  Light,  Font,  Style, 
Line,  Lineto,  Box,  Boxclear,  Boxfill,  Circle,  Circlefill,  Elipse,  Elfill,
Glocate,  Gprint,  Dprint,  Offset,  Pset,  Color,  Linestyle,  Dotsize,
Paint,  Arc,  Defchr,  Bmp,  Gpush, Gpop, Dpush, Dpop, Waitdraw

Seven Segment Display command for CSG 

Csgdec, Csgnput,  Csgxput,  CsgHex  


Elenco revisioni
10/10/2008 Emissione preliminare
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